ALF - Euro-Mediterranean

The Anna Lindh Foundation for Intercultural Dialogue (ALF) is dedicated to promoting dialogue between the cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean region. It acts as a network of national networks, bringing together civil society organizations, public institutions and similar organizations from different fields of activity. Based in Alexandria, Egypt, ALF is present in 42 member states of the Barcelona Process: Union for the Mediterranean.
The ALF partners are the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Council of Europe, the Arab League Education, Culture and Science Organization (ALECSO) and the Islamic Organization for Education, Science and Culture (ISESCO).
The ALF aims to facilitate intercultural dialogue and develop sustainable projects and programs that will contribute to a better understanding of the cultural and political processes that shape thought and behavior and enhance the activities of institutions and civil society in support of dialogue.
The Croatian Network for Cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean promotes dialogue, knowledge and diversity among the cultures of the Euro-Mediterranean region by developing tolerance and openness to new insights, religions, cultures and values. The Croatian Network is also committed to promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms.
At the founding meeting in January 2009, the National Foundation for Civil Society Development, in accordance with the proposal of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, was selected as the national coordinator of the Croatian Network for Cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean. In doing so, the National Foundation became the official representative of the ALF in the Republic of Croatia.
The National Foundation in its role of coordinator of the Croatian Network manages the National Network, provides information to members and the general public about ALF activities and tenders, facilitates and submits projects, promotes activities, organizes coordination meetings for members of the Croatian Network, maintains daily communication with the ALF Secretariat, contributes to the development of annual and three-year ALF programs, etc. Interest and a large number of new members in the first few months, that continued in the years after it's inception have placed the Croatian Network among the fastest growing National Networks of the Anna Lindh Foundation.
Croatian Network