Thematic Fund

Thematic Fund - "Democratisation and Civil Society Development 2.0"

After ten years of its operation, the National Foundation for Civil Society Development is launching a new form of Development Cooperation through programme grants under the title “Democratisation and Civil Society Development 2.0”. Through co-management and joint activities of open platforms of civil society organisations and citizens, it is introducing a new form of support to independent development of civil society.

Thus with 2015 – European Year for Development – the National Foundation has turned a new page in the way it allocates grants and recognises the needs arising from the new context of social and economic development of the Republic of Croatia, and through thus formed models of Development launches the implementation of activities that enhance democratisation and civil society development in the period to 2020. By launching this model, the National Foundation enables support to organised civil society in co-creating and improving the conditions for the activities of dynamic and cooperative open platforms, and innovative training on the development of philanthropy and foundations in the Republic of Croatia.

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